Jamstack clone of Medium with these features:
Stack: React, Next.js (SPA, SSR, SSG), NextAuth, Jamstack [Stripe, FaunaDB, Prismic CMS], SASS, CSS Modules, Axios
Concept and demo app for a social network of shareable knowledge, a blend of StackOverflow and TikTok.
Technologies used: Flutter, Adobe XD
This app was an idea I had to help a friend of my with social anxiety, a tool to gauge progress of putting yourself out here.
This Flutter app sets objectives to interact with more people, allows you to track the interactions and the quality of them. The items which you can track are 100% customizable.
Technologies used: Flutter, SQLite, Figma
WarArt is an application that let you monitor your time when making War (chilling/enjoying your time) or Art (creative or productive work). You can also track when you’re doing both.
Stack: C# Windows Forms, SQLite
Command line application that scrapes a website with public information, stores the data, ranks the best tipsters, and simulates human behaviour.
Stack: Pure Node.js, SQLite, Puppeteer
A lightweight VSCode extension I’ve created to minify JS, CSS, SQL, JSON and other texts.
Stack: TypeScript
React responsive application with MirageJs to simulate an API.
Stack: React, TypeScript, styled-components, MirageJs
Simple React app that uses the Github api to show the repos of an organization.
Stack: JS, React
An awesome todo app made with Flutter.
Stack: Flutter
Simple calculator to help me DJ better.
Stack: Flutter
A simple calculor using a third party design.
Stack: Flutter